Saturday, July 2, 2011

S C i N C E && T E C H N O L O G Y

Today in our generation there are a lot of ways in doing things which are more easier than in the past centuries. With the help of Science and Technology, there are a lot of inventions that are competing for which one could be the best to use. Yes ! A lot of inventions  now a day helps us in our needs . But are we well-informed that those things that helps us can make our lives better? Many questions in our mind that we don’t know who can give us some answers .

With this information it can help us to know what are the effects of Science and Technology in our lives.  And here are some inventions with their Advantages and disadvantages :

Computer - A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or "data." It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You can use a computer to type documents, send email, and surf the Internet. You can also use it to handle spreadsheets, accounting, database management, presentations, games, and more.

         ADVANTAGES :

 Makes our life simpler in doing our researches, projects, assignments and reports as a result of not doing hard labor by using the computer. And in making our reports, researches and others we don’t need to worry about the grammar and the spelling because computer have a tool like spelling and grammar checker . And whenever our printed materials were lost we can easily check our computer for they can be retrieved later and it takes a less time.


• It makes us more lazy because the reason why we are studying is for us to be more responsible in making our reports, projects and others without relying on the internet. And a lots of student today are staying in the internet cafes, playing online games which involved money and what’s worse is that some of the teenagers now a days are engaging in cyber sex!

Car – a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine.


• Using a car helps us not to be late in going to work, schools and important occasions. By means of the car families can go out together like having as picnic in the park, going far places for a vacation. It also helps us to commute from one place to another and advantage for those people who are sick and needs a medical treatment right away.  


           • Having a car makes us dependent. We don’t practice walking and cycling. And having a car can cause a lot of troubles specifically those drivers who don’t follow rules and regulations on road and causes a lot of accidents because of this reasons like : driving while talking on cell phone, changing lanes without signaling, drunk driving, over speeding and others.

           ○ CCTV CAMERA Closed-circuit television cameras are used for surveillance worldwide.


            • If a crime occurs in anyplace which has installed CCTV surveillance, investigation will be aided by the video.  And it can hide it anywhere were the only person knows where is it is the person who installed it. It also helps Government Officials to solve crimes easily because the person which is arrested cannot deny when there is a video of what he does.


            • CCTV camera is so expensive to buy which some establishments can’t afford buying those things and most often the establishments that don’t have CCTV cameras are being rob. And often times CCTV cameras don’t work as they are not put or set up in the right places and it can be manipulated by others.

           ○ IPOD TOUCH  is an iPod with a high-resolution display.  IPOD touch is also a portable media player, personal digital assistant, handled game console, and Wifi mobile platform designed .

         ADVANATGES :

             • Having an IPOD makes your work easy because it is simply extremely well working and it is extremely creative. It has tremendous storage capacity, and has very easy sorting and playlist creating. Whenever you are bored you can just pick your IPOD and find or choose songs that fits to your mood. Some IPODs also have their different features, some have WiFi which you will just find place that is a WiFi access, so that you can do twitter to tweet your friends, facebook to check your notifications and status, yahoomail to send emails.

              DISADVANTAGES :

           • IPOD is a very expensive gadget, you need to work for it so you can buy it. But IPOD has its life span too. It only have 1 year warranty, its battery will not last for long you need to send it to Apple to be replaced .

FLATIRON – A hair iron or hair tong is a tool used to change the structure of the hair using heat.

          ADVANTAGES :

          • Using this device can change your hair in different style it could be curly hair and straight hair or to create a variety of hair styles - one every day if you wish. So that you'll never be bored with your hair style again.


         • It could make your hair dry and frizzy. And it only takes a while for your hair to be straight and it takes time to do it. It is also expensive.

HAIRSPRAY – Hairspray is a hair care product generally used on dry hair to hold or to fix a style. It is not as strong as a gel or mousse, but is designed to hold hair for long periods of time.


           • Using this kind of product makes your hair holds into place and will always stay in your decide style. Good for styling . Strong wind can’t ruin your hairstyle.

• This product have aerosol which is bad for the environment (ruining our Ozone Layer). And causes your hair to stick together so when you comb/brush later that can damage the hair as it is pulled apart.  It also makes your hair sticky and cause major damage like split ends.

       - - THINK ABOUT IT- -

             FOR BETTER ? FOR WORST ?

    I hope that this facts can give us knowledge what are the benefits that we contributes to the welfare of our Country/World  and also to think what will be the effect to our Mother Earth using this things.

                                                               A L E X AN D R i A

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